Making No. 2 / FAUNA Contributor Spotlight: Sanae Ishida
Making would not be what it is without all of the talented artists who contribute projects to it's pages. Meet Sanae Ishida who designed the Fox Tooth Fairy Pillow for this issue.
Tell us how you got started in your craft.
I started sewing when my daughter was just a baby (she's now 10). I was completely obsessed with making itty bitty dresses for her and kept the hobby up for a couple of years, then I went back to work full-time and let sewing fall to the wayside. I picked it up again about four years ago. My first loves, though, are writing and drawing. I've been doing both since I could hold a pencil as a toddler and I chronicle the story of why and how I jumpstarted all manners of creative endeavors in my book, Sewing Happiness.

What is unique about your designs?
I don't think anything is unique about my designs though I gravitate towards simple, clean designs with a definite Japanese aesthetic. I like to describe my "style" as Japanese meets French meets Scandinavian.
Share a project, either past present or future that you are especially proud of.
My books! I'm so honored that I've had the opportunity to work on both children's books and a craft book. Each genre required different parts of my brain, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I just finished my third book and will be starting on my fourth this month. I hope my publisher will let me make hundreds of books.

What's your favorite color?
Just one? Grey. Or Blue. Let's say Blue-grey.
If you were going to create something just for fun today, what would it be?
If you were going to create something just for fun today, what would it be?
There are so many things I want to create, and I now have a blanket policy of making things only for fun. As soon as the enjoyment part starts to peter out, I'm more than willing to switch gears. I have a bajillion things on my "To Sew" list, but I also want to dive into ceramics! At the top of my sewing list is probably jeans because they're actually super fun to stitch up plus I'm in dire need of a new pair.
What currently inspires you most?
People with a zest for life who don't take themselves too seriously.
Thank you, Sanae!